How to get started — even if it does not feel right

Use the A-B-C framework to escape the rut

Chu Jie Ying
4 min readJul 2, 2021

There are days, sometimes weeks when we find it pointless for any sort of productive work. We consciously allow the waves of despair to drown us, yet find it difficult to turn the tides.

Moments like this in our lives are unavoidable, especially now as we battle through this tug-of-war with the Covid-19 pandemic (or simply trying to co-exist with the virus peacefully).

With periods of efficiency and productivity, there is surely a time for languish and despair. It is how we stay balanced in life.

Even machines need maintenance and downtime. So do we.

We need to allow space for these feelings to surface, and hopefully, they fizzle out soon enough. What we do not want is for this doom and gloom to linger around more than necessary.

When we hit a roadblock (which we will), don't let it stop us.

Here are some ways that help drive right through them.

A small action is all it takes

Intention is nothing, and actions are everything.

No point sitting around wishing things get better so you can feel better.

A wise friend once said: “Even if you wish to win the lottery, you go out and at least buy a ticket. Don’t you?”

This quote left a deep impression on me. Not in a way that turns me into a chronic gambler, but more of an action-oriented person. I try to turn my wishes into small actionable and achievable goals.

I wish to change my job… I start by applying for 3 jobs weekly. I wish to exercise more… I start by walking 20 mins daily. I wish to write well… I start by writing 100 words daily.

With each small step, you will soon take bigger strides. Even if you don’t, that’s okay because you took the first step. You are not where you used to be. You bought your lottery ticket. Even if the probability of winning the lottery is close to none, at least you stand a chance.

What is one small action that you can take today?

Believe that you can figure it out as you go along

“One of the biggest keys to success at anything hard is believing that you can figure it out as you go along. A lot of people won’t start until they figure it out. And because most hard things can’t be figured out in advance, they never start.” — A newsletter from Farnam Street (Shane Parrish)

I have always enjoyed writing. I write simple stories about my life, about the things that inspire me, and my reflections in life.

But writing as a hobby and writing professionally are two different ball games.

I have many insecurities about writing on Medium. Often, I don’t feel that I am qualified enough to be sharing my thoughts here.

The quote by Shane Parrish gave me the courage I needed to write on Medium. Even if I am not good enough, it is okay. I will figure things out as I write. I believe in myself and so should you. Be the first fan to yourself.

I hope this inspires you to act on something you’ve always wished to do.

What is one thing you believe you can figure out as you go along?


The “flywheel concept” popularized by Jim Collins is a useful analogy.

Initially, we have this gigantic flywheel; we keep pushing with no visible results and yet we continue to push. After some time, the flywheel moves an inch or two. And soon, it completes one round and then a couple more. Before you know it, the momentum kicks in and the flywheel moves at an unstoppable speed.

We are no longer pushing it as hard as the first time we tried, but the flywheel only moves faster and faster.

The remarkable power of consistency is that it has a compounding effect.

Big things happen because of the cumulative small actions that were done extremely well.

Find something that is small which you can do today, tomorrow, every single day. While you are at it, try to have fun as well. For myself, I spend around 5 mins daily to complete NYT crosswords. Some puzzles are a breeze to me, but some make me scream at my phone; that is how I have my fun.

What is one thing that you can do daily?

That’s it?

Reading so many inspirational quotes and reading self-help books can only do that much.

Acting on it works so much faster. While you are at it, believe in yourself that you can figure things out as you go along and stay consistent.

When all else fails, go outside, get some sunshine, grab a coffee from the nearby cafe, jump into the sea, whatever it takes to get outside (all while keeping a safe distance from others, of course!)

Catapult yourself out into the world and make room for serendipity. You never know what you could discover.



Chu Jie Ying

I share articles on ways to optimize and stay productive in life. That’s the plan, anyway!