100 Things I’m Grateful for

Chu Jie Ying
3 min readJul 21, 2021


This week, I am focusing on Gratitude. Life moves on so fast that it is important we take a step back and take stock of the privilege we have and be thankful for it.

I took some time out to write 100 things I am grateful for this year.

It was a breeze for the first 50 items, I could type it down in less than 5 minutes. It was the last 50 that was a little tougher but it will come when you simply stop stressing, breathe and let the universe show it to you.

Here is what I am grateful for:

  1. I am alive
  2. My parents are alive
  3. My siblings are alive
  4. None of us is in pain and happy on most days.
  5. A sister who is also my personal therapist
  6. My mum’s cooking; she is the hero during lockdown ensuring that we get proper food daily
  7. Three warm meals a day. Any food on the table makes me glad.
  8. I have a few close friends I can trust to give me their kidneys if I ever need one
  9. Someone to spend the rest of my life with
  10. I have a roof over my head
  11. Living in a high-rise apartment; getting unobstructed wind and sunlight
  12. I have a workstation making WFH possible
  13. My bookshelf that signals to any visiting guest that I am an intellectual
  14. Able to switch jobs and to chase after what I want in my career
  15. Able to pay my own bills
  16. Able to contribute to my family. As the eldest daughter in the family, I am proud of her.
  17. Kobo e-reader; life-changing to say the least
  18. Daily morning coffee
  19. 8 years old laptop — it went through 4 years of college it is still going strong.
  20. Moleskine daily planners.
  21. Affordable electricity
  22. Internet access
  23. Bluetooth. I love being wireless.
  24. Gym membership. It helps me build a routine of exercising daily.
  25. My house plant is dying slowly, but not yet dead. “Don’t you dare die on me, George!!!”
  26. A hydro flask so I can have cold water all day.
  27. Spotify premium
  28. Fully functional eardrums to enjoy that Spotify premium
  29. Eric Clapton
  30. Lito Podcast.
  31. Audiobooks on Libby
  32. Scrubs TV show
  33. Covid-19 pandemic making me realize what truly matters
  34. Vaccination to protect me against many viruses
  35. Making kombucha weekly
  36. Raining and I am indoor
  37. Being indoors when it rains
  38. The trees around my house replenishing oxygen I sometimes waste
  39. Living on Earth, who knows how long we are going to hang around here?
  40. Living in Singapore
  41. Clean tap water
  42. Pulau Ubin; the last few rural areas in Singapore
  43. Humans (It is a love-hate with this one)
  44. The color Blue
  45. Automatic doors. I like to pretend that I opened them with my mind.
  46. Public transportation
  47. Public libraries
  48. Childhood without technology
  49. Being able to cycle
  50. The scars I have on my legs from falling off the bicycle
  51. The BRRR sound an ATM makes when I deposit cash
  52. Washing machine (I cannot imagine hand-washing every single clothes I’ve worn.)
  53. One punch man
  54. Cold showers on a hot day
  55. Warm showers on a chilly day
  56. Cotton t-shirts
  57. Cotton towel
  58. My cotton duvet
  59. My bed
  60. 8 hours of undisrupted sleep
  61. Being a deep sleeper
  62. No sinus
  63. Healthcare professionals
  64. Parks
  65. Beach
  66. Sea
  67. Sunset
  68. Sunrise
  69. Sadness
  70. Happiness
  71. Being bilingual — I can speak English and Chinese
  72. My massage chair
  73. Film camera
  74. Apple watch to harass Siri when I am bored
  75. Airpods
  76. Being able to swim
  77. Hokkien Mee and sambal chili
  78. Golden mile food centre
  79. The Projector Cinema
  80. Tomato soup
  81. Fried chicken
  82. Rice
  83. Ceramic bowls
  84. Pottery
  85. 168 hours in a week
  86. Buying second-hand clothes
  87. Dogs on their daily walk
  88. Ferry rides.
  89. New York City (If there is anywhere else in the world I could live in)
  90. New York subway and the rats (name me a more iconic duo)
  91. @subwaycreatures
  92. Potatoes in any shape and size
  93. Sushi Express
  94. Green tea
  95. New York cheesecake from Starbucks
  96. Yoga
  97. Foam rollers
  98. Spinning classes
  99. Sunblock
  100. Post-it notes

Take some time, write 100 things you are grateful for today. If you have someone to share it with, share it.

Otherwise, you can write it for yourself here on Medium. I am mostly talking to myself here, anyway.



Chu Jie Ying

I share articles on ways to optimize and stay productive in life. That’s the plan, anyway!